Orange shimmer

Orange shimmer
Orange shimmer
Orange shimmer


White Nights | Pro
White Nights | Pro
Meet the limited edition of shimmering collection in the extra-fine artists' watercolours White Nights. The colours complement the primary colours in the series. They can be used to make accents, add saturation and brightness to the work and create additional decorative effects.
The name of the colours reflects the properties of the shimmering particles in the composition. “Flare”, “Shimmer”, “Glow”, “Shine” are divided by size and gradation of iridescence: from the largest size with high shine in “Flare” to delicate pearl shade in “Shine”.
“Shimmer” colours are based on several pigments. The first pigment is classic, makes the colour tone. The second one is a chameleon or duochrome which gets the shimmer effect. The shimmering particles in colours are large, creating an intense shine of several shades, which is more impressive on black paper. An interesting effect can be created using a pen with a nib in graphic technique. The main tone of the pigment comes at the front place in wide lines; shiny particles actively appear in thin lines.

Orange shimmer is a colour of cold yellow tone with chameleon pigment. Creates transparent orange tint with mixture of pink, red & gold shimmer parts on white paper which appears when the angle of view or the light are changed. When working on black paper it gives a transparent orange tint with bright pink & violet shimmering when the angle of view or the light are changed.

  • full pan
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Available in
  • 2.5 ml
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