Decola range offers a wide assortment of products for decorating, hobbies and

Gloss acryl
The all-purpose acrylic Decola paints are perfect for drawing on paper, canvas or wood. The palette of all-purpose acrylic paints includes 32 colors with gloss effect. Light-resistant, weather-proof – the paints don’t fade, change their color nor crack with time Quick to dry, after drying they form an elastic waterproof film; Easy to apply on any surface; The paints mix easily to make new pure shades and effects ; Used for decoupage and craquelure techniques
• 32 colours in 20 ml tubes
• cardboard box
• 32 colours in 20 ml tubes
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |
12341418 | 6 | 46 ml tubes | 101, 214, 350, 319, 501, 703, 408, 801 |
12341317 | 8 | 18 ml tubes | 101, 237, 317, 501, 703, 801 |
12341417 | 12 | 18 ml tubes | 101, 214, 237, 350, 319, 508, 501, 703, 727, 405, 408, 801 |

Acryl for silk
Batik silk painting originated in South-East Asia. Today hand-painted silk is one of the most popular materials used by leading fashion and interior designers. Batik technique helps both professionals and hobbyists create real masterpieces with their own hands. Shining and soft silk fabric makes the painting vibrant, fills it with light and shimmering colours.
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |

Metallic acryl
The all-purpose acrylic Decola paints are perfect for drawing on paper, canvas or wood. The palette of all-purpose acrylic paints includes 48 colors with matt effect. Light-resistant, weather-proof – the paints don’t fade, change their color nor crack with time Quick to dry, after drying they form an elastic waterproof film; Easy to apply on any surface; The paints mix easily to make new pure shades and effects ; Used for decoupage and craquelure techniques
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |
2941115 | 6 | 20 ml jars | 104, 213, 322, 331, 722, 720, 517, 419, 810 |

Acryl for textile
The acrylic Decola paints for painting for textile are designed for decorating fabrics by free painting using stencils and stamps.
Decola paints are available in easy-to-use wide neck bottles;
Thick consistency prevents the paint from flowing over the fabric and ensures that it is evenly distributed with a dense layer;
The colors remain bright and vibrant and the paints do not wash out and fade with time;
The jar lids in the sets have stickers indicating the paint color and type for your convenience
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |

Matt acryl
The all-purpose acrylic Decola paints are perfect for drawing on paper, canvas or wood. The palette of all-purpose acrylic paints includes 48 colors with matt effect. Light-resistant, weather-proof – the paints don’t fade, change their color nor crack with time Quick to dry, after drying they form an elastic waterproof film; Easy to apply on any surface; The paints mix easily to make new pure shades and effects ; Used for decoupage and craquelure techniques
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |
2941024 | 6 | 20 ml jars | 104, 213, 331, 720, 517, 810 |

Acryl for leather
Leather acrylic paints on basis of water acrylic dispersion are intended for painting of natural and artifcial leather goods. The palette of acrylic paints includes 26 colors They create dull effect after drying. Water resistant.
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |

Acryl for stained-glass
Stained glass is a technique used for decorating glass surfaces. Today, interior designers often use
this technique to decorate glass partitions, glass inner doors, openings, closets, kitchenware and
other glass items. In addition to its decorative function, stained glass is very practical, because they
separate and divide spaces, while letting the light in.
You can create unique pictures using the stained glass technique. With modern materials, this
technique can be used not only by experienced artists, but also by amateurs. With the translucent
water-based Decola paints for stained glass, anyone can create a unique product.
The water-based acrylic paint is designed for painting on glass or glass items and creating the
stained glass effect.
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |
Interfering acryl

Fluorescent acryl
The fluorescent acrylic colours have very bright colours and create the glow effect under ultraviolet/black light. The palette includes 8 colors. Light-resistant, weather-proof – the paints don’t fade, change their color nor crack with time Quick to dry, after drying they form an elastic waterproof film; Easy to apply on any surface; The paints mix easily to make new pure shades and effects ; Used for decoupage and craquelure techniques
• cardboard box
• cardboard box
Code | Colours | Volume | Сomposition |
2941024 | 6 | 20 ml jars | 104, 213, 331, 720, 517, 810 |

Acryl for glass&ceramics
The art of drawing images or patterns on glass or ceramics dates back centuries. However, after all these centuries of development of this art the basic painting techniques and practices remain almost the same. The most widely used are free painting, stencil painting, stamp painting and dot technique. Today these techniques use new state-of-the-art materials, among which are specialpurpose acrylic paints and liners. With their help, one can easily create a beautiful and long-lasting décor on glass, ceramics, faience and porcelain as well as on various plastics. The glass and ceramics acrylic paints are easy-to-use. They need heat treatment (baking) to fix the result.
The glass and ceramics acrylic Decola paints are designed for painting glass, porcelain, ceramic or faience items. They can also be used for polystyrene, plexiglass and other types of plastic.

Vendor code | Colors | Kit composition |
4041026 | 6 | 104, 213, 331, 720, 517, 810 |
4041113 | 9 | 104, 213, 335, 331, 717, 720, 517, 419, 810 |
4041114 | 12 | 104, 213, 315, 335, 331, 717, 720, 512, 517, 605, 419, 810 |
4041176 | 5+2+1 | 104, 213, 331, 717, 517 + 2 contours 966, 965 in tubes of 18 ml + thinner in a 20 ml jar |